Monday, December 30, 2019

Should Convicted Male Child Molesters Be Physically Castrated

There are many people who know of someone who has been the victim of sexual assault. Likewise, millions of people are sexual assault victims themselves. With there being so many cases of assault, the criminal justice system is faced with the hard task of deciding on the correct punishment for the convicted offenders. One option of punishment for a male child molester is to have them physically castrated. Convicted male child molesters should most certainly receive strong punishment, but physical castration should be reserved for the worst cases of sexual abuse. In one case of sexual assault, a New Jersey man named Jesse Timmendequas lured seven year old Megan Kanka into his home on July 29, 1994 with promises that she could see his puppy†¦show more content†¦If a registered sex offender never truly became clean of their perverted thoughts and sexual urges, they could once again bring harm. So knowing where the sex offenders are may or may not be very helpful. Along with taking precautions and forming laws, the justice system does try to give the proper punishment for convicted sex offenders. For example, 80% of offenders who were sentenced in the past 6 years have received a custodial sentence (Facts Sheet: Statistics about Sexual Assault, 2014). The average sentence was 4 years, 6 months to 5 years, 6 months. The middle ground was 5 years. On average, sentences for convicted sex offenders can range anywhere from just 12 months to as long as 20 years. Anyone who has been the victim of sexual assault would probably say that even 20 years is not enough; and castration might seem to be the best form of punishment for their assaulter. Castration would serve its purpose if a convicted offender is sentenced to it. One man named James Jenkins had molested three young girls and right before he was going to be sent to a special facility, he took a razor and physically castrated himself. He stated that, â€Å"Castration has done precisely what I wanted it to do. I have not had any sexual urges, or desires in over two years. My mind is finally free of the deviant sexual fantasies I used to have about young girls.†(Sex Offenders: Will Tough, New Laws Do More Harm ThanShow MoreRelatedChemical Castration Essay4712 Words   |  19 Pagesrecidivism rates of sex offenders. In this paper, the term sex offender is defined as a person who has been convicted of a sex crime and released back into the community either directly after sentencing or after serving time in prison for the commission of the sex crime. It should be noted that both men and women commit criminal sex acts, however, this paper will focus on the male offender. First and foremost, it is of prime importance to clarify the nature of rape and sex crimesRead More Chemical Castration and Physical Castration Essay4601 Words   |  19 Pagesthe recidivism rates of sex offenders. In this paper, the term sex offender is defined as a person who has been convicted of a sex crime and released back into the community either directly after sentencing or after serving time in prison for the commission of the sex crime. It should be noted that both men and women commit criminal sex acts, however, this paper will focus on the male offender. First and foremost, it is of prime importance to clarify the nature of rape and sex crimes. AccordingRead More The Psychology of Pedophiles Essay4421 Words   |  18 Pagespedophiles and child molesters. We have heard the horror stories of priest and bishops molesting boys, public school teachers having sex with students, and family members molesting children. While it is still taboo, the public view of a child molester has changed in the past years. It used to be that when we thought of a pedophile, we thought of a scary man lurking behind the bushes. This is not the case today, most of the cases of child molestation are by a person known to the child, whether it be

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Role Of Duality In Romeo And Juliet - 1632 Words

Duality is the nature in which anything and everything bear antithetical complexion, all of which are true. In our perspective, the Earth is an enormous planet; however, it’s also a speck of dust suspended in space. The villain and the hero of a story are one individual, just perceived differently; for example, Batman is nothing without Joker. Besides, how boring would it be to watch a Batman movie if there were no villains? Thus, you have no hero until you have a villain. Duality can also be characterized as the humanized form of good and evil, love and hate, fear and courage, or life and death. First of all, in Romeo and Juliet â€Å"fate† plays an immense role. Most conspicuously in Friar Laurence’s soliloquy, â€Å"In man as well as herbs–grace†¦show more content†¦Throughout Romeo and Juliet we get an indication of what role fate plays. As a matter of fact, in the prologue we are told of the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. The Chorus says, †Å"From forth the fatal loins of these two foes/A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life†(Prologue, 5-6). In other words, the chorus is saying that two disadvantageous children of the enemy bloodline become lovers and take their own lives. As Friar Laurence said, both families have good and evil within them. Duality is even more understandable when love is thrown into the mix. The hatred that Romeo and Juliet are, supposedly, required to feel towards each other’s family is in contradiction to their rather all-consuming obsessive relationship. As Juliet grieves after learning Romeo’s name she so abruptly comments, â€Å"My only love sprung from my only hate!/Too early seen unknown, and known too late! / Prodigious birth of love it is to me,/That I must love a loathed enemy†(I, v, 138-141). In the hope that Romeo and Juliet can be together, she is willing to do anything to be with him. Immediately following, Juliet added, â€Å"Tis but thy name is my en emy./Thou art thyself, though not a Montague./O, be some other name!(II, ii, 38,39,42). She continues by saying, â€Å"What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name/ would smell as sweet./So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called,/Retain that dear perfection which he owes/Without that title†(II, ii, 43-47). That is to say that Romeo’sShow MoreRelatedRomeo And Juliet Duality Essay1408 Words   |  6 PagesIn literature, duality is anything that has two sides, mostly dealing with good and evil. Duality plays an important role in showing who the characters are and how the story occurs in many different books. Books in which duality plays a prominent role include Dr. Jekyll and Mrs.Hyde, Romeo and Juliet, and the Bible. Duality exists throughout the play Romeo and Juliet. The things characters say, the characters, and actions of the characters are ways duality exists in the play. For example,Read MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1857 Words   |  8 Pages Based on Arthur Brooke’s Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet is perhaps Shakespeare’s most illustrious tragedy. The play centers around the love affair of Romeo, a Montague, and Juliet, a Capulet, against the backdrop of a vicious feud between their families. Set in Verona, a riparian urbs on the Adige River, the play chronicles the journey of Romeo and Juliet through their weeklong romance until their suicide. One of the hallmarks of the play is Shakespeare’s prolific focusRead More A Psychological Analysis of Romeo and Juliet Essay1744 Words   |  7 PagesA Psychological Analysis of Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet was obviously not written to fit the psychoanalytic model, as the theories of Freud were not developed for centuries after Shakespeare. Shakespeare wrote to Renaissance England, a culture so heavily steeped in Christianity, that it would have blushed at the instinctual and sexual thrust of Freud’s theory. However, in order to keep literature alive and relevant, a culture must continually reinterpret the themes and ideas of past worksRead MoreAppropriation of Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare and Romeo+Juliet by Baz Luhrmann2533 Words   |  11 PagesDiscuss the appropriation of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ by William Shakespeare and ‘Romeo+Juliet’ by Baz Luhrmann Texts and ideas from texts are appropriated and transformed into other text forms and other compositions in a different context. An appropriation is a text that is appropriated or taken over by another composer and presented in a new way. ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is a well-known high culture text that is a tragedy about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately unite their feuding familiesRead More Rappaccinis Daughter - Ambiguous Essay example1360 Words   |  6 PagesGiovanni and Beatrice, are Adam and Eve; while Beatrice’s black cloaked father is Satan, and God is either an omniscient overseer, represented in nature, or absent from the story all together. However, Hawthorne begins the endless possibilities of role assignments by suggesting that Beatrice’s father, the diabolic scientist, Rapaccinni, could be Adam. It was strangely frightful to the young man’s imagination, to see this air of insecurity in a person cultivating a garden, that most simple and

Friday, December 13, 2019

Pros and Cons of Forming an LLC Free Essays

Among the foremost choice an individual might encounter as a business owner might be, if at all or not to register his business or set up a limited liability company – LLC. (Evaluating Incorporating a Business or Forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC)) Setting up a Limited Liability Company –LLC has come to be an accepted choice in case of solely managed businesses and partnerships who have considered setting up a corporation with a view to safeguard one’s own assets. (Why More Business Owners  Choose LLCs) LLCs pose a better option in case of corporations and partnerships as these are equipped with a lot of advantages of both. We will write a custom essay sample on Pros and Cons of Forming an LLC or any similar topic only for you Order Now A limited liability company, or â€Å"LCC†, therefore is a business which is not incorporated and has the twin features of a corporation as well as a partnership. This organization is especially appropriate in case of family businesses, professional licensees, non-US resident owners and businesses running overseas. (Incorporating Questions) An LLC is sometimes depicted as a blend of a partnership and a corporation. This is due to the fact that a LLC mixes the tax benefits and management adjustability of a partnership with the liability protection of a corporation. (Why More Business Owners  Choose LLCs) The benefits of forming an LLC remains that the members are given limited liability and have been charged taxes similar to that of a partnership. Through the formation of an LLC in place of a corporation, an individual avails of the entire spectrum of advantages of setting up a corporation, however one can stay clear from a few problems that one might face if he sets up a corporation. (For Entrepreneurs: Forming an LLC) The maximum advantage of forming a company or setting up an LLC lies in its scope to segregate one’s personal identity from one business, lowering the possibility of one’s own assets becoming implicated by business debts or lawsuits. The additional benefit comprises likely tax benefits, simpler access to capital funding, ownership secrecy and centralized management. (Frequently Asked Questions: About Incorporating) Particularly, at the time when an individual forms a corporation, he is taxed twice. This irritation is possible to circumvent, in case he sets up an LLC. The LLC permits more than one owner, or members. Moreover, a managing member is present, who also avails the benefits of limited liability and is naturally the person in charge of the management of the business. It is the proprietor’s personal income tax returns through which the profits or losses go through directly on their Form 1040. The LLC books a Form 1065, and subsequently makes a record of every member’s taxable profit on Form K-1. To put in different words, the LLC itself never files taxes. This is the implication of avoiding double taxation with an LLC. In case of a corporation, it works in a different manner. Taxes are imposed on the corporation, and, consequently should file taxes. Subsequently, distributions to the proprietors are taxed. In spirit, the government charges twice from one’s revenues in place of once in case of an LLC as opposed to a corporation. (For Entrepreneurs: Forming an LLC)   LLCs possess a higher flexibility at the management level compared to corporations. (Why More Business Owners  Choose LLCs) In case of setting up an LLC, two alternatives for organizing the management of the LLC are there: â€Å"Member-managed† or â€Å"manager-managed†. The proprietor of LLCs, those who are current members in the management of their business sometimes set up an LLC which is managed by the member. In case of LLC which is managed by the member, management authority and obligatory authority remains with all of the members or owners of the LLC. â€Å"Manager Management† is the place in which one or more people irrespective of proprietors are chosen to shoulder responsibility for managing the LLC. The proprietors who are themselves not owners, at times family members those who have put in their money in the company just relax and share in the profits of LLC. In case of an LLC having a manager, simply the appointed managers possess a chance to vote on management decisions and function as the agents of the LLC. Managers may or may not also be members of the LLC. In some instances, the concern in a manager-managed LLC might be contemplated to be the securities with the condition that it is registered with the federal and/or state government. (Advantages of Forming an LLC) An additional benefit of setting up an LLC is the safeguard given to the proprietors from personal liability in case of business debts and/or claims. Since, just LLC assets are made use of for meeting business liabilities, LLC owners become the loser of just the money which they have invested in the LLC. As against this, sole business owners and general partnerships give no limited liability protection in case of their owners- rendering the owners of sole proprietorships and partnerships to be liable in their individual capacities for every debt, claims and obligations linked with business. Setting up an LLC can even be a big option for partners seeking flexibility in the means they share ownerships and profits. As against corporate shareholding whose ownership of stock and share of profits should be in percentage of their investment, partners in an LLC can normally share ownership in any manner they think it to be suitable. For instance, ownership of an LLC having two partners can be subdivided halfway in case they decide as such and in that case each partner might not have to pool half of the total capital investment. Besides, as against corporations, LLCs function somewhat unofficially. For instance, LLCs are normally permitted to function with no restrictions on the annual ownership and management meetings. (Advantages of Forming an LLC) Nevertheless it continues to a good norm to conduct meetings and keep a record of decisions, however, no one is under any compulsion to act in that manner under majority of the state rules. Because of this, an individual can have considerably more time in his hand, placing one in charge of and when meetings are held, as one considers vital. Besides, proprietors of LLCs who are against accepting default tax classifications have the choice of choosing an independent tax classification. For instance, an LLC might choose to be taxed as a corporation. This choice is made by submitting the filled in IRS Form 8832. An LLC which prefers to be imposed taxes as a corporation continue to reserve the legal features of an LLC under the rules governing LLCs in the state in which it is established, however it is considered as a corporation for purposed of taxes, put under corporate income tax rates and the same tax considerations related to conventional corporations. An LLC might also prefer to be taxed just like an S corporation. This preference is exercised by submitting the IRS Form 2553. (Advantages of Forming an LLC) Finally, as against corporations, it is not customary for LLCs to conduct an annual meeting and draft meeting minutes. (Why More Business Owners  Choose LLCs) But what is the reason behind everyone not joining the LLC brigade? Are there any demerits of an LLC? What is the reason behind every corporation in the world not getting converted to a LLC status? What are the reasons behind the continued formation of the conventional C corporations and S corporations? There are not many answers to that question. (For Entrepreneurs: Forming an LLC) To speak the truth, everything is far from being perfect. Some costs and problems arise from running an LLC. LLC possesses the demerits of being less popular. The limited liability company is the latest arrival on the corporate scene. Even though this is changing fast, some individuals are not aware about LLC compared to a conventional corporation – which is something to think about when attracting investors and so on. (LLCs: Do They Make Sense for Your Business?) As a lot of companies will be looking forward to investment from outside sources and will be presenting stock options to employees, several angel investors and venture capital firms continue to be gun-shy regarding investing in LLCs as this is a new business set up that is hardly intelligible. (For Entrepreneurs: Forming an LLC) An additional preference of the C Corporation over the LLC is that legal companies are poised to possess a lot more boilerplate accord for C Corporations compared to a LLC. Therefore, one might be incurring more legal expenses in the formation of an LLC as more time is required to be devoted by the lawyer during drafting agreements. Indeed, this will transform with the passage of time as greater number of business companies espouse LLC category. (For Entrepreneurs: Forming an LLC) LLC also face the demerits of higher costs incurred in banking. In case of accounts for small businesses or unofficial partnership, these are sometimes free, till an individual maintains a higher balance. However a bank account in case of a limited liability company will possibly charge fees of $10, $20 or higher every month. LLC possess more intricate tax returns. An LLC will submit its own tax return in case it is running as a partnership firm, C corporation, or S corporation. This implies one’s expenses for tax return will be close to few thousand dollars annually. Besides, as documents in case of a limited liability corporation are required to be filed with the state, as against a general partnership, it implies tardiness to a little extent. (LLCs: Do They Make Sense for Your Business?) To conclude, it might be held that LLCs are a superb establishment whose reputation is rising. LLCs are among the most adaptable business establishments available which are perfect in case of small or fresh companies. In case of a lot of new businesses, establishing an LLC implies the ideal of both scenarios. Akin to a partnership, taxes are imposed directly to the business, evading the double taxation problem with the corporations. Moreover, akin to corporations, LLCs present liability shield in case of owners and their assets. Additionally, lesser concurrent needs and rules and regulations minimize the extent of paperwork and maintenance required to safeguard an LLC’s standing, thereby rendering them safer compared to corporations. But, LLCs is not everybody’s cup of tea, since it has its demerits too. It is important to know regarding the advantages of LLCs and also its disadvantages. References Advantages of Forming an LLC. For Entrepreneurs: Forming an LLC. How to cite Pros and Cons of Forming an LLC, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Germany Experienced a Period of Political Calm Essay Sample free essay sample

â€Å"Germany experienced a period of political composure. economic development and societal advancement in the mid-1920s. † How far do you hold with this opinion? Yes it did No it didn’t Yes but merely to a point Political Calm – Dawes Plan was a loan understanding between – Main democratic parties couldn’t work – Stresemann’s successes were offset them and the USA to kick get down the German together or via media. taking to instability because many Germans didn’t like his thoughts Industry ( political polarization ) and wanted him to be tougher – The Gallic and Belgians withdrew from – The Treaty of Versailles had minimised many – Ideals of the fundamental law didn’t the Ruhr in April 1924 ( Young Plan 1920 ) of their resources develop. and the system didn’t mature and – Joined the League of Nations in – Lots of Chancellors. none of them stayed go stable September 1926 long=unstable – Treaty of Berlin went against the footings and promised NO WAR -â€Å"State of Emergency† was merely lifted in early of the pact of Versailles  œ Locarno ensured a lasting 1924 demilitarisation from the Rhineland pacts with France and Belgium over the boundary lines in late 1925 – Treaty of Berlin in 1926 signed with Russia Economic – Increased production – 1928 heavy – Uneven growing = production diminutions in 1926 – Germany’s economic recovery had no Development industry was back to 1913 degrees because – There were more imports than exports stable foundations because it was based on of more efficient production degrees – There was a diminution in agribusiness = grain foreign loans. We will write a custom essay sample on Germany Experienced a Period of Political Calm Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There were more trusts so Germany had production was 1/3 of the 1913 therefore the – People had false thoughts of prosperity better buying power husbandmans were in debt – The jobs in economic system hidden by recognition – Increased Exports 1925-29 by 40 % – Unemployment neer fell below 1. 3 million. from abroad. so jobs in the World – Wages rise every twelvemonth from 1924-1930 and it was 1. 9 million in 1929 cause serious jobs for Germany – The authorities duties on imports didn’t – By late 1929 it had borrowed a sum of solve the jobs 342 million reichsmarks – Fall in World Prices in the 1920s wasn’t good for Germany’s agribusiness because 1/3 of Germans relied on it Social Progress -Social Welfare was written into the – Class differences. regional differences and – Baby roar in the 1920s=population fundamental law ( e. g. pensions. sickness spiritual differences addition wasn’t good for unemployment benefit. unemployment – Bitterness between employers and employees – The province began to pay for societal – usage of changeless State Scheme to settle lodging differences – 76. 000 instances of arbitration from -Very modern. westernised civilization. 1924-1932 nightclubs etc.