Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Lysistrat Greek Mythology Essay - 1023 Words

Andrew Turner Lysistrata Paper 1 Greek Mythology September 8, 2016 Introduction Lysistrata, written by Aristophanes, takes place during a time period when men dominate. This play brings up the battle of the sexes in a humorous way. In the play Lysistrata brings women from areas like Greece and Sparta that were involved in the Peloponnesian war to talk about her plan to end the war. Lysistrata’s plan was for all the women from the different lands to with hold sex with their lovers until the men decide to sign a peace treaty. As the play goes on the men begin to desire affection from their lovers and because the woman are withholding sex is sparks anger from the men. But, throughout the play there is little to no physical contact. For the most part the arguments that the men and women have are verbal yelling/ singing back and forth. For example, the men talk about smoking the woman out, but the women have water with them to put out the fires if need be. As the women continue to withhold sex, the war dwindles down and the men begin to give up. The men event ually realize that, because of Lysistrata, they shouldn’t be fighting anymore. They should instead divide up the land and end the war. Part 1 Throughout the play there are many mythological references, mostly to gods and goddess in a form of worship. For example, Adonis, figure 1, in the play is shown being worshiped by the women. â€Å"Poor Young Adonis!† (Lysistrata 321). The Adonis myth shows recurring ideas that

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